So my egg donation journey has come to an end... Things didn't work out with the financing aspect for the recipients. I am so sad for them!! The good news is, their journey is not over, they will still do an IVF cycle and I pray it is successful for them.. How does this affect my own surrogacy/ivf journey you ask? Well, it does put a bit of a speed bump in the financial road for me, but that just means I have to trust in God to provide and make a way for it to happen. I KNOW He can and will! The good thing is, our surrogate isn't going anywhere, she said she is here for us when we are ready. We had a goal of February (no later than March) in our head as a start date, otherwise it will be babydreams 2012 for a due date :)

We are just working as hard as we can to get all of our finances in order and still be able to make that Spring start date that we planned. So I am hitting the ground running with me eBay stuff and I opened an eBay store to help push my stuff out front better, I hope the $16 a month is worth it! So that's my update for now, I wish it was a better news one :( I do believe things happen for a reason and maybe this was the way my journey was meant to play out.

I don't want to close on a sad note, so with that; I DID have some nice sales this week and I found some AWESOME things that i am getting prepared to list on eBay! Oh and for those that wanna take a gander, this is my new eBay store stop by and check it out!
(Post from 9-25-2010)

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